7 Freelancing Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for Every Freelancer

An image of a man working on his laptop

Freelancing can be a great way to earn money without having to commit to a full-time job. However, it can also be a bit of a challenge to get started. Here are 7 freelancing hacks that will help you get the most out of your freelancing career. From finding the right clients to staying organized, these tips will help you make the most of your freelance business.

An image of an organized work table.

Get Organized and Set Up a System That Works For You

Being organized isn’t just for office workers and executives – freelancers can benefit from the structure of an orderly schedule too. When it comes to freelancing, organization is key!  Having a plan in place will help you maximize your time, so you can dedicate more energy to creative projects and making money as a freelancer.

Setting up a workable system that works for you will positively impact both your professional productivity and personal well-being. For example, you could create folders labeled based on each client’s deliverables or make to-do lists with clearly defined goals that you want to achieve that day.

You may also want to block out specific hours of the day for project management tasks so that you can stay focused on the job at hand. Following these organizing principles will set you up for great success and allow you enjoy your journey as a digital nomad! 

An image of a man negotiating with a client.

Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate

Negotiation can be a tricky business, but don’t let that stop you from harnessing its power. As a freelancer, it’s important to negotiate fair pay for your work and establish the terms of the freelancer/client relationship early. Don’t be shy about asking for what you need – for example, if you’re freelancing remotely, make sure to think through and include compensation for expenses like phone and internet bills. Negotiation might feel intimidating at first, but with practice and by keeping a professional attitude at all times, you’ll get the hang of it in no time!

Plus, when done correctly, successful negotiation can actually make freelancing fun – it helps build trust between freelancers and employers while ensuring everyone gets compensated fairly. So, embrace negotiation as a freelancer today – use it as an opportunity to ensure you’re getting the most out of your remote work experience and are making money doing something you truly love.

An image of an woman working on her laptop

Know Your Worth and Don’t Undersell Yourself

As freelancers and remote workers, it’s easy to feel undervalued and taken advantage of in the online workplace. So much of freelancing comes down to whom you know and whether or not your work is appreciated. That’s why it’s so important for freelancers to stay true to themselves and know their worth. After all, freelancing is a business and money matters!

To make a living as a freelancer, you need to be smart about how you price your services – don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth and ensure you take on jobs where you will be compensated fairly for your hard work. When networking online, remember your goal: freelancing isn’t just about making money; it’s also about being able to get paid to do something that brings joy, pride, satisfaction, skill development, and bring potential new opportunities – so don’t sell yourself short!

Value yourself enough that others see your value too. With freelancing, knowledge is power – so learn your worth and maximize the value of every opportunity!  There’s no time like now, make sure your clients know your worth!  And hey—who knows? Maybe soon enough you’ll even be making more than those pesky cubicle-dwellers out there!  (And enjoy getting paid while in your pajamas!)

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Get Paid What You’re Worth – Research Comparable Rates for Your Area and Experience Level

Sure, it can be a little uncomfortable to talk about rates and ask for money, but it’s essential when you’re out in the freelance world trying to make money. First things first: research other freelance rates and compare salaries in your area and experience level so you know what people are charging. You don’t want to set a price too low or too high – find figures within the range of what’s fair for your area and skill level.

Another thing to consider is any investments that may be required like purchasing software or subscriptions; find ways to balance these costs with what you charge per assignment so it’s still beneficial for everyone involved. We know it can feel a bit awkward navigating freelance negotiation, but at the end of the day, your top priority should be passionately hitting milestones as well as making sure that hard work translates into enough money coming in each month. Taking time to research comparable rates and negotiate accordingly can help ensure success and give you the confidence to ask for the right pay for your work – because after all, freelance work deserves freelance pay! 

An image of a lady taking care of herself

Take Care of Yourself Both Mentally and Physically – Freelancing Can Be Stressful!

Freelancing is an exciting and lucrative way to make money in the modern world, but it isn’t always glamorous. For freelance professionals, it’s important to prioritize physical and mental health in order to stay productive throughout their careers. Stress can quickly mount when you’re a freelancer; there are always deadlines to meet, clients to please, and projects to take on – these all require hard work and energy.

To maintain balance, freelancers need to stay mindful of their health needs. This can include getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, maintaining a regular exercise routine, and taking regular breaks – all essential activities for anybody looking after their well-being. Simply relying on willpower to power through freelance jobs without paying attention to your own needs is not sustainable – it will only deplete resources over time.

So, don’t forget that self-care is just as important as freelance projects: take care of yourself mentally and physically every day! The rewards will be worth it in terms of personal satisfaction and financial success.

An image of people networking at an event

Make Time for Socializing and Networking, It’s Important for Your Career Development

For anyone pursuing a career in freelancing, networking should not be underestimated. It can help you establish important contacts, find new client opportunities and stay up-to-date with industry trends. I know it can be difficult finding the time to socialize and network as a remote freelancer. That’s why it’s important to set aside some time each week to actively reach out and talk to other freelancers and make connections within your chosen field or industry.

You could attend events, join freelancing groups or even just hang out with friends who may have valuable contacts or advice to share. Not only will this give you an opportunity to meet new people and gain new insights – it may even help you find potential employment opportunities or ways to make money as a freelancer. So, give yourself permission to spend some of your workday socializing – it can be a great way to grow both professionally and personally!

An image of an woman making payments online.

Freelancing is a great way to get started in your career or to make some extra money on the side. However, it can also be quite challenging and stressful. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success as a freelancer. Have you tried any of these techniques? Which one of it worked best for you? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!

  1. Thank you for these great tips. I used to undersell myself until I discovered I was doing so. Freelancing is a lot work so I agree that freelancers should specially care for themselves.

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